Contour Unimouse Wireless Ergonomic Mouse

Aron Schatz
May 30, 2018
Contour Unimouse Wireless Ergonomic Mouse
When you need a mouse that conforms to your hand, and not the other way around, the Contour Unimouse is for you.

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1 Minute Review

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Final Verdict

The Unimouse by Contour retails for about $80 (Amazon) at the time of this review. This review took a long time to do since it was the first mouse that offered this level of customizability. Even after the review, this has been the daily driver. Going back to an old mouse didn't feel as good. If this review said nothing else, that would be good alone.

There are some oddities, though. The fact that the middle button and the scroll wheel operate as the same mouse button seems like a missed opportunity. You get used to using the button (rather than clicking the scroll wheel). The placement of the back and forward button are a bit awkward until you get used to it. It would make more sense if they where built into the thumb rest. All these details are minor, once you get used to the mouse, you don't notice them anymore. Save your wrists and get a mouse that conforms to you. This isn't a high speed gaming mouse and it isn't the target market. If you are looking for an all around good productivity mouse, look no further.
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